
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Chinese Orchestra is an art based performing group under the Chinese Cultural Council of UMP (UCCC) to provide music lessons for Music Enthusiasts and creating awesome art performances. Let's start scrolling and learn more about us

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About Us

It all started back in 2014, the initial plan of UMPCO was to gather up all the chinese orchestra music enthusiasts and former ochestra players to form a performing group under Chinese Cultural Council of UMP (UCCC). Those days, there were five of them who started up and the number of members increased up to ten professional musician several years later. Throughout the years, we have been performing for many major events in the university especially those involving cultural festival for instance, 彭大中华文化冬至晚宴UMP Winter Solstice Dinner and 彭大新春文娱晚会UMP CNY and The ONE Village 3.0.

Contact Details

UMP Chinese Orchetra,
Kampung Melayu Gambang
26300 Gambang, Pahang.
+6011-1055 8798


The Beginning of Everything

UMP Chinese Cultural Council- UCCC Sept 2014 - Present photo_of_everyone

It all started with a group of music gigs who were always facinating about chinese musical art. Wong Mei Juan, who was a student from FIST faculty accompanied by few of her other members initiate the idea of providing a platform for former chinese orchestra members who was once an orchestra member from their respective secondary school to join and to perform infront of the public. Hence, as the chance for constantly funding and performance opportunity, the group join ventured with UMP Chinese Cultural Council.

The Jourmey Started Here!

He Sheng Music Society 和声音乐协会 Sept 2014 - Present hesheng_music_society

The early motto of the club is only to provide performing stage for those who owns at least an instrument. However, for most occasion and music demands, the group has forced to inplement more colour of music element involving in increasing the varieties of musical instruments. The following year, a genorous NGO from Kuantan, Pahang named He Sheng Music Society (和声音乐协会) willing to provide full support by lending their instruments for our students for practice and performance. This enhances the overall quality of the musical group as well as attracting more people toward joining into the group due to the interest in learning musical instruments such as Guzheng, Erhu, Pipa, Dizi and Zhong Ruan. The supportive act has continued till date and will keep on maintaining the good relationship.



UMP Winter Solstice Dinner 彭大中华文化冬至晚宴 December 2017 Dong_Zhi_Dinner Dong_Zhi_Dinner

As one of the iconic events in UMP, UMP Winter Solstice Dinner is considered a compulsory event for UMPCO to join and perform. Each year, the quality of performances improve tremendously. The group starts to venture into different music genres. Chinese orchestra music was always labeled a ancient music or Jay Chow music. From 2018, the former president, Lee Jian Rong has experimented a variety of music genres covering both pop and jazz, chinese and english musics. The songs we performed including: "Counting stars", "五月天-Medley", "小苹果" and many more. We even works with other art form such as UMP western orchestra and UMP chinese dance for the most recent artworks in 2018 and 2019 respectively.

Cultural Clash

Chinese . Western Orchestra December 2018 Dong_Zhi_Dinner

Music embed more than everthing in the universe. For a professional musician, we never draw a border in between chinese and cultural orchestra. In 2018, we succeeded for a cultural clash between chinese and western orchestra in a Winter Soltice Dinner performance. Even though, it was difficult during the arrangement of music and playing of each parts. We manage to blend these two cultures for the sake of the musical ejoyment of the people. Besides that, in 2019, we also perform with Gamelan with the song entitled: "Ali, Ah Kau dan Muthu".


The Internet

Online Classes and Performances 网上教学和表演 February 2020 - Future

Due to covid-19, the pandemic has severely affected the music industry especially in orchestration music. Today we are bringing music learning into the internet. Now everyone is accessible to music through the power of technology. Even though, the feeling doesn't seems the same as physical practices and performances, but now the internet has allowed more people like us to learn from masters around the world. During the pandemic, we have organized several classes online -->check it out in our facebook page. And we need you to help us push UMPCO beyond the current limit!

Our latest performances

A Few Of our Latest Creations

Want to become one of our members?

Just a price of a cup of coffee to become one of us! We provide you with tutorial videos and guidelines to become an amatuer performer. Starting from RM 10 lifetime!

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Musician Quotes

Author image Louis Armstrong Trumpet, Jazz

Music is life itself!

Author image Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano, Classical

The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.

Author image Sergei Rachmaninoff Piano, Late Romantics

Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.

Author image 冼星海 Composer, Chinese and Western music


Want to ask me something?

Have a new project in mind? Let's join us and collaborate to build something awesome. Let's turn that idea into something that amaze you and your friends! :D